Wednesday 24 December 2008

Christmas Time

So Christmas has already came. Today is the Christmas Eve for some people. Not for me. For me, and milions of other people in the Czech Republic, 24th December is the Christmas Day.
I wonder how the same event can be celebrated in so many ways.
In general, we fast the whole day (I am talking about December 24) because it is said that if we do so, we would be able to see the Golden Pig. Then, when the first star appears, we have Christmas dinner. The traditional Christmas meal is fish soup, and fried carp with potato salad. After dinner, the little bell rings. It means the Small Jesus leaves the presents under the tree and we can go to unwrapped them.
There are many wonderful traditions connected with our Christmas. Before Christmas Day the twelve kinds of sweets are baked - one for each month of a year. There should be nine kinds of different meals served during the Christmas dinner (number three, or its multiplyings, is a really magic number).
Nobody should leave the Christmas table as it brings bad luck. So some people bind their legs together by rope or cord. Some people also chain the legs of table together. Both of these traditions signify the desire of every person sitting by the table for meeting together next Christmas again.
We also predict the future in this very day of year. We cut an apple (a star shaped inside means luck), the single women throw their shoe (a tip heading to a door means wedding - the woman will leave her home), we fasten candles inside the half of a nutshell and then put them on some water (if they stay together - we will together, if some leaves - the "owner" of this nutshell will leave, etc.), and some brave women (with an ambition to know their future husband´s face) take an axe and at midnight they cut the ice in the nearest lake, pond, or a river, and looking at the water inside the hole they will see him. And many others.
Merry Christmas for all of you, your family and friends.
I hope you are enjoying the Christmas holidays with your beloved ones as much as I am.


Tea said...

A very Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family, Namnet!


PJ said...

Merry Christms to you and your family, Namnet. What a wonderful array of customs for Christmas. I especially like the Golden pig! Now THAT is a a cool custom. I hope your sister is buoyed up by everyone's spirits. Take care and God's peace to you.