Saturday 24 May 2008

The Sun Cream Threat and the Black Bottle

The weather started to be really summery - the sun was shining and the temperature rose to almost 28°C. Tomorrow I am going to sunbathe for the first time this year. By the way, I found a surprising article about the corals and the sun creams and lotions.
The magazine Environmental Health Perspectives introduces the new research (done by European Committee) saying that sun creams, used by tourists on the beaches, destroy the coral reefs. Literally, the UVA/UVB filters melt the corals during the experiments. The scientists believe that the sun cream could melt up to 10% of all coral reefs. According to World Trade Organisation (WTO), about 10% of all tourists head to tropical destinations and 78 milion people visit the coral reefs every year and leave there approximately from 4000 to 6000 tons of the sun cream.
I got a first present for my birthday and it made me pretty delighted, happy and thankful. It´s from Mexico. I have never had anything from Mexico. And furthermore I like the shape and the colour of the bottle a lot. But if there is a worm (or any other animal), I won´t drink it:-) Thank you again.
I´ve just found this and it is a nice piece of work (even it is not the whole story):
Something little bit different, but wonderful as well (notice Billy Gibbons:-):

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